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Lori Lisai Human Design Coach for midlife women

Ready to step out of the cage?
Welcome to

 Midlife Transformation through Human Design

What if getting what you want in midlife
was as simple as becoming
your authentic self?

Shedding the layers of what other people expect of you is a process. 

After all, we are social beings. 

Women are conditioned to be "good girls," to take on burdens and responsibilities that aren't necessarily theirs and that often lead to burnout.

But midlife is your invitation to leave that behind you.

This time of life--where we experience the hormonal chaos of perimenopause and menopause--is an initiation.

(Reframe those hot flashes as gifts that burn away what no longer serves you!)

The perimenopausal woman's brain physically changes, causing women to literally give less fucks. Our inner wild woman is released.

So this desire to stop overdoing, to stop people pleasing, to stop going so fast is baked into our biology.

And yet, most of us have been saying "yes" to others for so long that we don't even know where to start when it's time to say "yes" to ourselves. 


For we are in the midst of a global awakening.

The paradigm is shifting, and authenticity is replacing conformity.

And you, as a midlife woman, are perfectly and uniquely primed to be the change we wish to see in our world. 

It's time for you to be who you came here to be. 

Explore your true self here 👇

Lori Lisai: Human Design Coach for midlife women
Human Design bodygraph
Find your way back to YOU
with Human Design

Midlife is already a phase of transformation. It's up to you to use it to come home to your true nature.

Human Design offers a practical yet profound guide for this journey, helping you understand the parts of yourself that have been hidden beneath years of ‘shoulds’ and self-sacrifice. This isn’t another personality test; it’s a pathway to uncovering your true nature and embracing the unique gifts that have always been within you.

How Human Design helps Midlife Women:

Human Design might be for you if...

* you’re ready to know yourself deeply, beyond roles and responsibilities, and feel empowered to live authentically.

* you’re tired of making decisions that drain you and want guidance that aligns with your inner wisdom.

* you feel a strong urge to return to a truer version of yourself and are open to tools that can help you get there.

* you've tried quizzes and tests (like Enneagram or Myers-Briggs) but still feel there’s something uniquely ‘you’ they didn’t capture

* you want to improve your relationships, from family to friendships, with a fresh understanding of your needs and boundaries

* you’re ready to connect with the part of you that’s here for something meaningful and purposeful

* you are looking for a practical tool to unlock your gifts and to help you better understand your challenges

* you believe in the power of energy, interconnection, and are open to exploring 'the woo' as a means of self-discovery

Feeling stuck?

Lori Lisai: Human Design Coach for midlife women

Maybe you can relate...


You're driving home from work, thinking about how you "have it all." Supposedly.

You've got a great career, a solid partner, 2.2 kids...

You ticked the boxes, and yet somehow this life you're living doesn't feel right.

When you wake up at 3:28 every night (like clockwork), your brain starts buzzing...thinking about what you can change because something HAS TO change.

It's not just your legs that are restless.

It's your soul. 

You know there is SO much more life to live, and yet, you're stuck on autopilot.

Where is the joy?

How can you get out of this loop of overthinking, boredom, and worry?

It’s like you’re both the hard drive that keeps your family running and the piece of the puzzle that doesn’t quite fit.


You wonder if it’s "normal" to feel this way, if these dreams are selfish, or even if you’ve missed your moment. The time to make a move feels urgent, but the path forward isn’t clear.​​

And maybe you're wondering if you're pissing away this one glorious life.​

I see you. I was you.

Hi, I'm Lori

I am a 5/1 Emotional Generator and Human Design lit me up about 5 years ago, changing everything.

I was a public school teacher at the time, and I loved my work. I pushed for school change, working to nudge a very old system into this new paradigm. It is hard work, and I hold a huge place in my heart for educators who are still at it.


Even in a job I loved, I felt a pull—an insistent urge, really, to dream bigger than I had for years.


Maybe you've felt it too: that quiet nudge, urging you toward something more.

This feeling--this urge to finally say "fuck it" to everything that doesn't sere you anymore--is at the heart of what midlife can be.

It is our Second Spring (as it's known in Chinese culture), a time when we reclaim our power and live more authentically, shedding the roles and expectations we've carried for decades. 

I believe that midlife women are primed to lead the change that the world needs.

We are done compromising.

We re done being sidelined.

We are ready to embrace the era of the Wild Woman.

We are fierce, unapologetic, and deeply rooted in who we are.

This is the vision I hold for midlife women.

And Human Design can help you free your inner wild woman from the cage she's been in. 

Human Design is not just a tool.

It's a permission slip to reconnect with your unique gifts and purpose that have always been within you. 

Imagine how powerful it will be to live by your design, to lead by example, and to be the change we all need right now.

Ready to begin?​

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Lori Lisai: Human Design Coach for midlife women
Lori Lisai: Human Design  Coach for midlife women

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Wild Woman Wisdom

Get insights on reclaiming your power, tips on navigating midlife, and practical tools that help you make bold moves and live in alignment with your Human Design. Subscribe to join a community of women redefining midlife. ❤️

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Lori hand delivers a sacred invitation from the universe to live your best life when she reads your Human Design.  Her enthusiasm       and breadth of knowledge is inspiring, and led me to leave my unfulfilling job and open to receive the opportunities that were waiting for me but I was too afraid to see.  The reading I received has also given me permission to make peace with the way I show up in the world, allowing me to be more gentle with myself in my moments…a must do for people to embrace their humanness and move forward toward their fullest and greatest potential.

Image by Brooke Cagle


My first reading of my human design literally blew me away by how spot on it was and I booked a second hour with Lori before we ended our call.  Her huge heart and profound wisdom in human design has given new meaning to my life and has led me to make decisions and commitments I never would have dreamed possible before.  My ongoing friendship and work with Lori is taking me to places I now know I am meant to be and I am truly grateful for her guidance in helping me align myself with the life I chose to come here to live.



I have had such a shift in my energy. Lori is amazing. She has given me such an amazing gift of inspiration and knowledge that's provided me with clarity and direction. Since having my reading, I can feel the shift in my energy and truly feel like I'm on the path I was created for. She knew just what I needed and provided guidance and resources to give me that push I needed. So grateful for her. 

Midlife by Design podcast
Listen & Learn
(some of my pod guest interviews):

©2021 by Lori Lisai

Zen & Grit

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